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Tahir's Playbook


Tahir’s Playbook is a game for the Detroit Public Schools developed by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and Games for Entertainment and Learning Lab at Michigan State University.

Employer: G.E.L Lab/Michigan State University

Roles: Prop Artist, Texture Artist

Project Length: 5 Months

Dream Racer


Dream Racer is a game for the Michigan State University Federal Credit Union. It is currently in production at the Games for Entertainment and Learning Lab at Michigan State University.

Employer: G.E.L Lab/Michigan State University

Roles: 3D Modeler, Environment Artist

Project Length: 11 Months


Defend your core from the impending hoard in VRchery, a game based on the HTC Vive, in which players are equipped with a heart rate monitor and must use a slingbow and arrow to fight off waves of enemies!

Student Project for Client

Roles: Art Lead, 3D Modeler, Environment Artist, VFX, UI

Project Length: 16 Weeks

Vesta: Virtual Vineyard


Vesta: Virtual Vineyard is a game for  the Viticulture Enology Science and Technology Alliance (VESTA). It is currently in production at the Games for Entertainment and Learning Lab at Michigan State University. 

Employer: G.E.L Lab/Michigan State University

Roles: 3D Modeler

Project: Currently in production

Greatest City

Greatest City is where city-building meets exploration.  The goal is to build up your city, but first you have to explore an open world and convince NPC’s to join you in your endeavor.  From there, you must balance the need to keep your city happy with the need to explore new horizons.  

Student Project
Roles: Environment Artist, 3D Modeler, UI Artist

Project Length: 16 weeks


Stranded in space, you must use your wits to reconnect the circuitry of your disabled ship in order to make it back to the central hub to find out what happened.

Student Project
Roles: Environment Artist, 3D Modeler, UI Artist

Project Length: 5 weeks

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